- Hotel Info & Registration
- Sponsorship
- Exhibitor Registration /Information
- Club Parade Entry
- Advertising Options
MD 11 Convention May 15 - 17, 2025
Double Tree Hotel
Bay City, Michigan
You will be able to register and pay online for all your 2025 MD11 Convention needs on this page. More Information will be available nearer the date in 2025.
MD11 Convention
You will be able to register and pay online for all your 2025 MD11 Convention needs on this page. More Information will be available nearer the date in 2025.
MD 11 Convention May 15 - 17, 2025 Double Tree Hotel, Bay City Michigan
Sponsorship Opportunities
All sponsors who commit by April 1, 2025, will be listed on the promotional materials, in the Lion Pride publication, on the Lions of Michigan website and Facebook page.
Lions of Michigan
5730 Executive Dr., Lansing, Ml 48911.
Heart of a Lion - $150 Club Special!
Breakout Session Sponsor/Parade Sponsor; Coffee break; advertisement in proceedings booklet; banner on display
Bronze Sponsor - $300
Kick-off picnic, hospitality room or coffee break sponsor; advertisement in proceedings booklet; complimentary exhibitor table; your banner on display; insert included in welcome packet
Silver Sponsor - $400
Advertisement in proceedings booklet; complimentary exhibitor table; banner on display throughout the event; insert included in welcome packet
Gold Sponsor - $500
Speaking opportunity at Friday's Welcome Reception/Dinner or Saturday Awards Breakfast (up to 10 minutes; advertisement in convention proceedings booklet; complimentary exhibitor table; your banner on display throughout event
Platinum Sponsor - $1,000
Speaking opportunity during the Saturday Awards Banquet (up to 10 minutes); Advertisement in the Lion Pride publication; advertisement in convention proceedings booklet; complimentary exhibitor table; your banner on display throughout event; insert included in welcome packet
We're on a Mission to Grow!
The Lions of Michigan MD11 Convention Committee is pleased to offer the opportunity for corporate and personal sponsorships for the 2025 Multiple district 11 Lions convention May 15-17, 2025 - Doubletree Hotel Bay City, MI
Exhibitor Registration Read Below for Details
FRIDAY – SATURDAY, MAY 16-18, 2025
DoubleTree, Bay City, Michigan
Forms to be posted soon
Forms are Soon to come.
Advertising Options
Read Below for Details
Please note that all ads must be prepaid by April 22, 2025.
Send your information to the Lions of Michigan State Office through
Mail Address: 5730 Executive Drive, Lansing, MI 48911, Email below or Fax 517-887-6642.
Listed below are several options to sponsor a personal or business ad in the
MD 11 Lions Convention Proceedings Booklet.
Placing an ad shows fellow Lions, Lioness and Leos your support of the Lions of Michigan!
Overall Booklet Size: 8” x 5 ½”
1. 1/4 page ad: $35.00
2. 1/2 page ad: $40.00
3. Full page ad: $45.00